Futile attempts...

Like Holly, the shipboard computer of Red Dwarf once said... "It's better to have loved.. and to have lost, than to listen to an album by Olivia Newton John... ANYTHING is better than listening to an album by Olivia Newton John." If you don't try, you'll never know. As many of you know, I enjoy fishing many of the high creeks and rivers around here. I even dished out a heap of cash for an ultra light 5' flyrod that makes the tiniest Brookie feel like a hog. With this cute flyrod in hand (I need to bring this thing to the Juan on day for the funny looks,) I plunged through feet of snow down to the La Plata river. I drug some heavily weighted nymphs through the deepest pools I could find but had no luck. The river is running at about 5cfs. I did see bugs, so maybe I'll try again earlier or in a different spot. It seems like every year I get into that canyon earlier, and earlier when I know damn well that there won't be active fish. After a particular frustrating snag in a tree, I decided to just pack it in and head home. That's when I stopped for a second to look at this stunning river as it trickled through the snowdrifts. It made the only sound to be heard and the sight was just utterly stunning. Yep. This beats listening to an album by Olivia Newton John.


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