Doing stupid things...

Never take advice without testing it out yourself. Sure, I know it's too early for brookies in my favorite stream because that's what I've always been told, but I felt like I better test the popular knowledge with this being a warm spring. I can get a line into the water and the fish MUST be eating SOMETHING right? Turns out today wasn't just early it was also high water. I didn't catch that dinner of crispy skinned pan seared brookie for which I'd been pining, but I caught something better. The satisfaction of being out on the water on the kind of day where few human faces show up. The quiet isolation of a snowy mountain stream is a reward in itself. Standing in the snow watching the water for any indication of life, sipping a cold beer and brushing flakes off your waders beats anything on any network at any time. It's better to be a happy fool than a miserable genius.


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