The wind... the wind....

Getting mad at the wind is like trying to milk a cat. Time consuming and likely to result in pain.

I got out on Pastorius to try to catch a fish on my new 5' flyrod (which I love btw) and the wind was already howling. I got into the back part of the lake and hunkered down for the wind but the fishing was good on bronze 1/4 oz Kastmasters (A great lure to use in wind) I dared not even try with a 5 foot flyrod. After a half hour of slimers I saw my friend Johnny pull into the lot near my truck so I went to pick him up. He declined to go out because of the wind and left and that's when it all came unbuttoned. I tried to relaunch but got pushed into the dam. I got out the oars (the trolling motor was useless) and starting huffing into the 35 mph wind and whitecaps just to get back to the boatramp. At one point I popped out both oars and did a backwards somersault onto the boat floor and next seat. The oars quickly sank (sinking oars?) and there I was no oars, a useless motor and a sore ass. I tried to wade out for the oars and to pull the boat over but the lake is covered in muck and plants and yuck and I lost a shoe. It was horrible for me but I'm sure the people across the lake got a kick out of it, so what the hell, lesson learned, when there are white caps.... go home.

The birds were having no problem, I saw my friends the Ospreys partying with lots of fish. The Bald Eagles were out playing and I think these curvey beaked bastards are White Faced Ibis

EDIT: Turns out I broke the little pin that holds the prop on the shaft so that is why the motor wasn't working. I fixed it, it's rad.


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